Four Evenings at the Beach | Ocean City, Assateague Portrait Photographer

Between Friday, August 14 and Monday, August 17, I spent four straight evenings at the beach, doing portraits for various families and high school seniors. I don’t generally like the beach during the day, and it’s not my ideal vacation spot, but I could spend every evening there during the last hour before sunset! I’ve found a new favorite spot, too – at Assateague Island National Park, the sand is whiter and finer than anywhere else I’ve been, and for $30 I purchased an annual pass that will get me there any time I want! Here are a few of my favorite photos from my beach sessions in the past week.

The Smith Family (I shot Jeff & Stacy’s wedding in August 2006, and can’t believe it’s been over three years now!)

The Thornes Family (I did Ryan’s senior portrait two years ago, and his mom wanted a portrait of the whole family)

Kelly & John were on vacation from Pittsburgh, and found me by searching the internet!

I spent Sunday and Monday evenings at Assateague National Seashore with Kelsea and Jennifer. Here are a few of my favorite shots from their sessions.

One response

  1. beautiful beach shots jen! you have been busy! so funny, i was scrolling through, and saw my nephews on here!!! hee hee!

    09.04.2009 at 10:33 pm

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