
Four Evenings at the Beach | Ocean City, Assateague Portrait Photographer

Between Friday, August 14 and Monday, August 17, I spent four straight evenings at the beach, doing portraits for various families and high school seniors. I don’t generally like the beach during the day, and it’s not my ideal vacation spot, but I could spend every evening there during the last hour before sunset! I’ve found a new favorite spot, too – at Assateague Island National Park, the sand is whiter and finer than anywhere else I’ve been, and for $30 I purchased an annual pass that will get me there any time I want! Here are a few of my favorite photos from my beach sessions in the past week.

The Smith Family (I shot Jeff & Stacy’s wedding in August 2006, and can’t believe it’s been over three years now!)

The Thornes Family (I did Ryan’s senior portrait two years ago, and his mom wanted a portrait of the whole family)

Kelly & John were on vacation from Pittsburgh, and found me by searching the internet!

I spent Sunday and Monday evenings at Assateague National Seashore with Kelsea and Jennifer. Here are a few of my favorite shots from their sessions.

Elaine & Family | Pemberton Park Portrait Photographer

Elaine called me a few months ago because she’d won a portrait session at a fundraiser auction, and though it took a few tries, we finally managed to find a time that worked for both of us! The weather was perfect today, so we met at Pemberton Park. Elaine came along with her husband Tim and son Michael (who’s grown about 8 inches since I last saw him in 8th grade!), and their dog Bree. Here are a few of my favorites from this afternoon…

Cooper + Cousins | Salisbury Maryland Children’s Photographer

If you’re a “stalker” of my website, you’ve met Cooper before. He lives across the street from me and first visited me in December when he was less than two months old. Saturday morning, Cooper and his cousins, Gabriel and Griffyn (isn’t that a cool name??) from HAWAII (!!!) and Thomas and Jacob from Salisbury, came over for some fun family pictures. How cute are they?!?

Makena + Family | Salisbury Maryland Family Photographer

Three weeks ago, I photographed the beautiful (and brand new) Makena, and on Friday night, her parents brought back the rest of the family for some portraits. Our plans for an outdoor session were foiled by one of the fiercest thunderstorms I’ve seen around here for a while, but we didn’t let that stop us! The family came over to the studio, and I think we got some great pictures. Here are a few of my favorites of Alexia, Paige, Anna, Makena, and their parents…

Beautiful Baby | Eastern Shore of Maryland Baby Photographer

This is Kennedy. Her mom and dad are photographers, and I was honored to be the person they chose to photograph her this past weekend. The best thing about photographing other photographers’ kids is that they’re up for pretty much anything, so of course, we got her naked and I got lots of cute pictures of that chubby little girl! Oh, and the coolest thing was that Kennedy rolled over by herself for the very first time on my studio floor. Justin and Mandy, you definitely have a cutie! A few of my favorites…

A Week’s Worth of Pictures | Delmarva Portrait Photographer

Wow…it’s been a while since I’ve written, and when I look at the portraits I’ve done, I see a lot of work that I haven’t shown off! Here are a few of my favorites from the last week…

This is Evie Rose, 9 months old. Her cousin Emma has been a subject of mine since she was born (literally since the day of her birth!). In my opinion, the girls look more like sisters than cousins!

Next were Reef and Hiatt, my neighbors. We did our annual Mother’s Day portraits last weekend, and these two were a lot of fun! We even did a few shots in the very middle of our street (it’s a cul de sac)…

Did a few awesome maternity portraits this week, as well. BOTH couples were couples whose weddings I photographed in the last two years. The first couple is Ashley and Jamin, who were married in May 2008 and vowed they’d be back soon for pictures of their baby – they were right!

The second maternity portrait session was with Mandy and John, who were married in December 2006. I’ve known Mandy since she was a freshman in high school, and her sister Sara’s wedding was the first one I ever photographed, so we go way back!

Finally, I photographed the beautiful Makena, a two-week-old beauty who was quite patient and alert for her portrait session! Here are some of my favorites….

That’s it for the past week. Thanks for visiting!

Baby Ella | Eastern Shore of Maryland Newborn Photographer

Ella has arrived! One month ago today, I photographed Jenn and her family for her maternity portrait. Ella arrived on February 25th, and made her portrait debut this evening. Here are a few of my favorites…


More Neighbors! | Eastern Shore of Maryland Portrait Photographer

I have lived in my neighborhood for ten years, and am ashamed to say that I hardly know my neighbors. Today I met Greg and Marsha for the first time, along with their sons, 3-year-old Cayden and 18-month-old Grayson, and took their pictures. Grayson wasn’t thrilled about having his pictures taken, but at the end of the session, I took my favorite picture from the whole session – 0f him! You can see it at the end of this set of favorites…

How Grayson really felt about getting his picture taken:

And the favorite…

By the way, Greg owns a business called Custom Photo Rugs, that does just what the name suggests – he makes really nice, sturdy custom rugs out of any photo. I’ll be buying one for my studio!

Baby Isabella | Eastern Shore of Maryland Newborn Photographer

I left school at the end of the day today and drove straight home to meet Jayna and Jacob, and their beautiful new daughter Isabella. Isabella was born on January 31, so she’s only 12 days old – and was tiny, at only about six and a half pounds. Isabella was also one of the calmest, quietest newborns I’ve photographed in a long time. We were able to get many photos, using both the studio lights and the natural light by my window. I hope to see Isabella again in a few months! Click here to see the full session. Here are a few of my favorites…

And Baby Makes Five | Eastern Shore of Maryland Maternity Photographer

Today, the Scott family came to visit my studio and we took some maternity pictures of Jenn, and some family portraits of the whole family. Baby Ella is due at the end of February, and sisters Kennedy and Alyssa are beyond excited! Alyssa (the six year old) even says that she’s going to change diapers and feed Ella in the middle of the night! I think Jenn has her doubts about that. 🙂 Because it was unseasonably warm for a February day (it reached the mid-seventies today), we even went outside for some photos in the yard. Here are a few of my favorites…

I can’t wait to meet Ella in a few weeks!

Allison, Ellie and Lily

Allison is an 8th grade Reading teacher at the school where I work, and Ellie and Lily are her daughters. Tonight, we did a family portrait session with all of the girls. Lily had the most fun, and I tried to capture the relationship between the two girls through my pictures. Here are a few of my favorites…

A Family Heirloom

On Saturday morning, I had the privilege of photographing Jeri and her family. Jeri has pancreatic cancer, and also has seven children, ranging in age from seven to 26. I am happy to have been able to give this wonderful gift to Jeri, and hope that it’s something she and her family will treasure for a long time to come. A few of my favorites…