Posts tagged “Pemberton Park

Elaine & Family | Pemberton Park Portrait Photographer

Elaine called me a few months ago because she’d won a portrait session at a fundraiser auction, and though it took a few tries, we finally managed to find a time that worked for both of us! The weather was perfect today, so we met at Pemberton Park. Elaine came along with her husband Tim and son Michael (who’s grown about 8 inches since I last saw him in 8th grade!), and their dog Bree. Here are a few of my favorites from this afternoon…

Kathrin | Salisbury Maryland Portrait Photographer

Kathrin is a student in my husband’s high school history class, and is in the U.S. as an exchange student from Germany. It rained at Pemberton Park on Sunday afternoon, but we still made it work. Here are some of my favorites…

An Heirloom Dress and More of the Grass Obsession | Salisbury MD Child Photographer

On Tuesday, I photographed Victor and Gates for the second time in two years. They’ve grown so much since last year! Now they’re five and four, and Gates came dressed in another beautiful heirloom dress, handcrafted by her mother (she actually sells these dresses, and has a few of them featured at the Bay-be Boutique in Salisbury!). We did a few “nice” pictures in the studio, then went outside and played in the grass, then at Pemberton. The best way to get these two to smile was to beg them NOT to smile! It was hilarious… enjoy my favorites!